Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Severe hunger is looming over Orissa - Dr. Subas Mohapatra

At this writing, as we are fighting for or against mining rights, government inefficiency/corruption, and genetically modified crops, and better institutions of higer education in Orissa, many parts of the world have already fallen victim to hunger. I am sure many of you have collected your own information/misinformation on this. I am giving the following citations for your convenience if you have not already read them:
2.News observer: Threat of hunger grows
I have full-length news clips for each of the above. I will be happy to send them to those who request.
I have no doubt that many more countries/communities are soon going to fall victim to hunger. The reason is not going to be lack of food production, although it has become a major concern in India, for which India has halted export of many agricultural products. Rather, the main reason is going to be lack of timely food distribution due to skyrocketing fuel price.
The challenge for us Orissans (in Orissa or outside Orissa) is to help Orissa escape this calamity. If we faile to take action now, the storm of hunger is going to hit Orissa before we realize, if it is not happenign already. It will be a mistake for us to believe that our failed government will tackle this problem with intelligence and urgency. However, we have much better alternatives in our numerous NGOs, who can do a much better job faster.
In absence of timely food distribution, the effective strategy is to promote local food production. This is particularly true for people who are potential victims of hunger. In view of the fact that only 400 to 500 calories are needed per person to prevent hunger among adults (and much less for children), this can be done easily through IAFF's "hunger mitigation modules".
IAFF has all the needed resources, not to eradicate mass hunger but to set up demonstration units at strategic locations in Orissa through the collaboration of NGOs through its "DEVELOPMENT WITHOUT GOVERNMENT" program. Therefore, this is not an appeal for money (which those in the USA can send as tax-deductible donations). Instead, this is an appeal to you all to mobilize the existing infrastructure (i.e. the NGOs) in collaboration with IAFF so we can protect Orissa from not only imminent hunger, but also from the waves of violence that is taking place elsewhere in the world. Please contact me as soon as possible if you are interested.
I wish to inform you that I am scheduled to travel to Haiti in the first week of June to set up some of the Hunger mitigation modules. As some of you already know, the government in Haiti has already fallen and violent clashes are taking place due to food shortages and severe hunger.

Monday, April 14, 2008

World Humger - Innovative solutions -- Part I - AGA (Above Ground Agriculture) - Dr. Subas Mohapatra

Part I: Soil less agriculture or AGA
As we are busy discussing events related to mining, crime and corruption, the world is trembling under hunger-related violence and governmental instability. It is sad but it is real. As the associated press article rightly says, the expanding hunger is not due to unavailability of food. Rather it is due to inability to purchase the food off the shelf. That is because more than 80% increase in food price world wide. Some of it can be attributed to corporate greed, but the real culprit is the skyrocketing price of petroleum products starting with fuel, fertilizer, pesticides, tires, and every thing else that comes from petroleum products.
Is there an easy solution? Indeed there is. Not only the solution is easy it is very inexpensive. Then what is lacking? Ingenuity, desire and determination. While I enjoy good food and never pass up the opportunity to feast while I am allowed to do so free, most of the time, when I am on my own, I survive on liquid diet more than 60% of the time. Those NGOs with whom I work every year in Orissa have seen what I eat. Not only I have maintained my weight between 125-135 lbs (my weight when I was an athlete in my youth) for nearly 50 years (and 30 years on liquid diet), I have never been sick except seasonal fever and athletics related surgery. This has now become natural for me, but it needed ingenuity, desire and determination until became a habit.
Research has shown that only sweet potato and peanut can sustain all human beings (except those who are allergic to these) at all ages without the need of any other nutrients. The two crops supply all needed carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins and fibers without complicating diabetes or hypertension. Further these two crops are grown under identical climatic and soil conditions with very little water. Therefore these are known as semi-arid crops. Peanuts is the major crop of research at ICRISAT (International Crop Research Institute for Semi Arid Tropics), Patancheru, in the outskirts of Hyderabad, AP.
I have developed soil-less agriculture technology to grow both of the above crops. These are being tested at the IAFF Agriculture Station in Orissa. In the first week of June I am scheduled to go to Haiti (i.e. if situations do not worsen), where the government has already fallen due to hunger-driven riots, to set up these AGA (Above Ground Agriculture) Systems.
The objective is not to produce enough food for hungry people to eat, which they can do if they need to or wish to. Rather the objective is to enable them to earn cash which they can use to buy the food already available on the shelf. This can be done in many ways. But my current thrust is on hot pepper production for the following reasons: 1) Next to food stuff, pepper is the most commonly consumed commodity throughout the world. 2) Further, because of its toxin content, it is not as adversely affected by diseases and insects as other crops. 3) It can be grown in all seasons and at all places, including rooftops. 4) It can be consumed in fresh, frozen, dried, or pickled form. 5) Its staying power (shelf life) is unusually long. 6) Using my system, it can be grown almost without labor except the first day of system construction, which can be set up in couple of hours under planned approach. 7) My personal all Orissa market survey has shown that even during the growing season the price of fresh pepper has never dropped below Rs.10/kg in more than 100 places where I have collected data. However, the average price is at least Rs.20. Dried red pepper is sold in some places at above Rs.80/kg. Thus, hot pepper is an excellent cash generating crop.
I have developed a soil-less system on the roof top of my house at Bhubaneswar near the airport. Recently there was a hail storm and we lost a lot of plants. Still we have already sold Rs.30 worth of pepper. Every one is invited to see the system and try to implement it. NGOs wishing to implement the system will get technological and financial assistance from IAFF.
In the mean while let us try to change our food habit from solid food to liquid food on a daily basis. This is too long and technical subject to address here. But I will be happy to address it if the readers are interested. Just remember that when we are taken to hospital in ambulance we are given IV, which is liquid, not solid. Those who lose the ability to ingest or digest solid food are sustained through liquid diet. Sick people are given liquid diet until they get well. Babies survive fully on mother's milk for months if not years. So "liquid food" is not as radical as it may sound. But we need to develop mental acceptance of the liquid diet. How liquid diet will solve hunger almost instantly is another technical subject and too long to discuss here. But I will also be happy to address them. I have discussed these topics in my book on "Integrated Farming System, Controlled Environment Agriculture and Eco-Farming" and offer these topics annually at my workshop.
Happy reading.

Part II - Eating Liquid Food on Daily basis

One reason why I lunched IAFF's " Development Without Government" - Dr. Subas Mohapatra

I do not have depth of knowledge or information to address mining issues intelligently. But I do wish to make some general observations here which I have mentioned to many a persons individually.
1. Oonce an ex-chief engineer of Orissa came to meet with me to offer his help on IAFF projects. As soon as I found out he was ex-chief Engineer, "I told him so you are responsible for the state of Orissa lingering in the last place among other states even though Orissa exports electricity to other state, and you have come to help IAFF". Then I walked out of the meeting.
2. Sudhansu Misra, ex-Chief Secretary, posts from time to time in these media. His thoughts and writings are deep and eloquent and any issue he writes on.
3. Now Dr. P.Misra writes here on various issues. I have met him personally and find him to be extremely intelligent and knowledgable.
4. Pyari Mohapatra, as the name would indicate, is my uncle/class mate and is running Orissa affairs. He does not post in these media but I have met with him numerous times and have discussed with him elaborately on numerous issues.
5. Dr. Sahadev Sahoo, also an ex-chief secretary, comes here every here and I have met with him several times at the OSA convetnion although we do not get time to sit down and discuss.
6.The readers should note that the above mentioned people, despite their eloquence, are personally responsible for the current state of Orissa, lingering as the last state in the country. Where was their wisdom and ability when they could have made a difference?
7.Once I had asked this question to Sudhansu Misra. He explained away "vaina, Ministers are the government, we are only government servants". It is true Ministers are playing all the dirty games. They can not take one step without holding the hands of the IAS officers (expecially the collectors and prinicpal secretaries and chief secretary). I have no doubt that regardless of which party is in power, if the IAS officers have the interest of the state in their heart and mind, miracles will happen over night, as it happens for their families and friends.
8. I have always contended that if each IAS officer responds to communications withing a week Orissa will improve dramatically just by that action. I can under stand why saying "yes" would need more time because this may end of committing "money" and "manpower". But why saying "no" should not take months and years.
9. I have visited the offices of many principal secretaries. Without exception, every one depends on the "office superintendent (or some one who is in charge of the huge clerical staff)" develop a "draft" which they sign. They depend on these clerks because they come and go and have no knowledge on precedents. So you see, ministers are controlled by IAS officers who are controlled by "clerks". No wonder Orissa is the state it is.
10. One might say, what I have said in the foregoing has no relevance to mining or IIT or other issues. But if the readers take a moment and try to understand the mechanics involved in the government and governance of current Orissa, it is not hard to find the reasons for the dismal state of Orissa.
11. The above scenario is one of the reasons why I have launched IAFF's "DEVELOPMENT WITHOUT GOVERNMENT" program. Only when people on the stree understand the governance mechanisms in place and gain the ability to shake the government from time to time will the fate of Orissa change. The role of "investigative journalism" is crucial for this. But the journalists in India in general and in Orissa in particular do not even know what is investigative journalism, much less condut it.

Sandip Dasverma <> wrote:
Dear Friends:
I really appreciate Prasanna babu's comment. I too agree that there is hardly any difference between TATAs and POSCO any more, as analyzed by Chitta. In addition all the other PSCs except the PSUs are on the same ground. And Orissa and other Iron Ore states are getting exploited in absence of change of mining policy.

"The situation demands much more than shedding crocodile tears. The policy of rebuking the miners in public and having friendly deals with them in private would only lead the situation which is prevailing today."
We need to go for action like the one achieved NISER & IIT, Orissa, by Agamee Orissa. Except the stakes are much higher, huge fortunes are involved and opponents lot more savvy.
Best wishes,
----- Original Message ----
From: Prasanna Mishra <>
Sent: Saturday, April 12, 2008 10:16:16 AM
Subject: OTN: Re: Double Standard of Posco exposed.

Chitta Babu has taken the issue to an
intersting stage.
After the takeover of CORUS it is worth analysing how
much of the products from TATA owned Indian Plants, both existing and
the proposed greenfield ones, would be sent for value addition in
earstwhile CORUS owned plants across Europe.

I am inclined to endorse the conclusions of Chitta
Babu when he says" At present I see very little difference between
them and see all of them as exploiting Orissa's resources and giving
back peanuts to Orissa."

But then should the concerned states not act
decisively and not just talk of injustice. There can be no two
opinions on the imperative need for fixing the Royalty on advalorem
basis.A decision on this is getting delayed. Has any state government
prevented transfer of raised iron ore from the mines unless the
advalorem concept was implemented? Rather they seem to look the other
way when mindboggling exploitaton of ironore mines goes on
relentlessly spoiling the state roads, spoiling the environment and
ruining the health of thousands of people. The situation demands much
more than shedding crocodile tears. The policy of rebuking the miners
in public and having friendly deals with them in private would only
lead the situation which is prevailing today.

Discussion on this is welcome

Prasanna Mishra