DS: When talking about GM we always mean Genetic Modification and nothing else. Your statements are designed to complicate things and try to push forward the agenda of GM.
Subas Mohapatra(SM): you are absolutely correct. GM stands for genetic modification. What most non-scientists and even many scientists do not realize that breeding also brings about genetic modification and therefore hybrid crops are GM crops. If you want to call "legs" as "head" and then claim that people are walking on head, that is your prerogative, but do not expect me to agree with that.
You are also right when you say I am pushing the agenda of GM. What else you expect from a scientist? I am in support of GM as I am in support of human knowledge and advancement in other areas. Only close-minded people and fear-mongers are blindly opposing GM crops.
DS: This is just like the
SM: You are distorting what I have said. Please read my postings again. I said government will not allow things that are proved to be dangerous. Perception has nothing to do with proofs.
SM: Government in the
DS: You must also be aware that many countries have banned the entry of GM
SM: Every country bans entry of any agricultural product, GM or not. But most countries my knowledge have not only not banned research on GM but are funding internal development of these crops and medicines. No farmer in
DS: and in more countries farmers and consumers are up in arms against this technology which is fraught with many assumptions and loopholes. GM is an attempt to take charge over life forms and commercialise life, an idea which every self thinking individual can only loathe and abhor. GM or GE whatever you call it is not a science. It is a technology which the greedy are employing to satiate their desire to control the world and its inhabitants.
SM: The above are your opinions, to which you are entitled, I have no comments on them.
DS: In this forum we are concerned about what is going on in the name of scientific development and the consequent effect on the health of the world. We have opened the windows of our homes and our laboratories are not confined to four walls. We invite you to rethink your opinion on the subject and instead of rushing forward madly, stop and think about the consequences first.
SM: That is why I am so vigorously participating in this forum. I know I may not be able to remove your ignorance. But you also know that I am not allowing any forum of which I am a part to engage in fear-mongering.
DS: Please spare us your ideas and allow us to continue in our efforts to build a humane world.
SM: I am also involved in developing a human world and I am not going to allow you to destroy it through rumors and fear-mongering. I will be in Orissa between Oct-Nov. You are invited to come to my work shop free of cost (I charge others Rs. 1000) along with your scientists to talk to the same people who will attend my workshop on "Inegrated Farming System, Controlled Environment Agriculture and Eco-Farming"
Since you are so intent to develop human society through ignorance and fear-mongering, I will be happy not to respond to your postings from now on, if that is what you want. BY THE WAY, DID YOUR SCIENTIST FRIEND DECIDED NOT TO DEBATE WITH ME ONE-ON-ONE?
Debajit Sarangi
Living Farms Plot No.1181 / 2146, Ratnakarbag-2,
Tankapani Road,
Bhubaneswar - 751018,
Mob -->9938582616
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